Deciding to incorporate motion graphics into your marketing strategy is an exciting and powerful move. The team at Venture have compiled a list of what you should be looking out for when deciding who to work with.

Motion graphics can mean breathtaking content for your brand Deciding to incorporate motion graphics into your marketing strategy is an exciting and powerful move. To get breathtaking results though, you need to choose the right motion graphics production company for your business or brand. To make this process easier, the team at Venture have compiled a list of what you should be looking out for when deciding who to work with.

Review their Offering, Portfolio and Experience

More than just production?

Motion graphics studios come in lots of different shapes and sizes. From one man bands, all the way up to full-service offerings like Venture's. For this reason, it's really important to work out what kind of agency you need to achieve your goals.

The most effective motion graphics content is created by studios who are able to offer a mix of content strategy, creative, production and marketing, as all of these elements must be considered to give you the best chance of success.

Whilst freelancers are undoubtedly cheaper than agencies, they lack any of the strategic, creative or marketing capabilities needed to make a project a real success. For this reason, it is a real gamble going down this route.

Experience/ portfolio

Track record is also a useful indicator when deciding on a motion graphics production company. The longer an agency has been in business, and the more great work it has done the better.

Fortunately, this is usually easy to compare, with most agencies displaying their work on their website.

You'll want to check if the motion graphics production company have experience in the type of video you want to produce. You'll also want to see if they have created any motion graphics content for your industry before.

Whilst every video we produce at Venture is unique, we often find that the quality of our portfolio gives our clients real confidence in our ability to create a great video.

We are specialists in 3D and 2D motion graphics, character animation, live action animation integration, typographic and hand-drawn animation, which means we can make your vision a reality, no matter the type of motion graphics you are looking for.

If you want to see how we bring all those elements together, check out the video below of our recruitment video for Satair.

The Pitching Process

Are they willing to develop creative for you?

Providing you have supplied a written brief and budget, the best motion graphics studios will be able and willing to develop a proposal and "creative" for you and your team to consider.

This creative should include one or multiple creative approaches that show you exactly how the agency plans to bring your brand story to life in fresh and exciting ways.

If they refuse to do this for you, this should sound alarm bells for you. In the absence of any creative approach/ proposal, it will ultimately leave you very exposed in terms of what you have agreed to produce with your supplier/ chosen motion graphics production company.  

Have they asked you for your brand guidelines?

In order to develop a great creative proposal, a motion graphics company needs both a written brief and your brand guidelines. Together, they help an agency to understand your needs and how your brand story needs to be told and visualised.

In the absence of any brand guidelines, it is very difficult for an agency to make creative recommendations that are on brand and in line with your other marketing collateral.

Here is a great example of integrating brand guidelines into motion graphics, courtesy of us here at Venture!


Are they a good fit for you?

During your project, you will need to work closely with your chosen motion graphics studio, so it is important that you get along with them.

You must be confident you can work with their team and processes.

Does their culture fit with yours? It's important that you feel comfortable coming back to the agency with any changes you might need to the content, and that you feel you can ask any questions.

As always, communication is key!

Are they passionate about helping you achieve your goals?

To get the best results with your video content, it helps if your motion graphics company is passionate about your project, and determined to get the very best results for your brand.

This should be a given. If an agency does not ooze passion, you can bet that the creative and content that they suggest will suffer.  

This passion helps them connect with your own vision and your brand, leading the content to reflect your brand more effectively.

Do they understand your needs and audience?

Do you feel like they understand you, respect your business and genuinely care about the content they will create for you? Can they meet your practical restraints like deadlines and budget? Do they have a keen understanding of the audience you are trying to reach? If the answer is yes to most of these, then you're onto a clear winner.

At Venture, we had to put our audience knowledge to the test when we needed to create a child safety video for Western Power Distribution, and our research resulted in a video which suited kids!


Do they have a tried and tested process?

Ever heard the phrase, "all the gear but no idea"? Someone with all the right things, but no idea how to put them into place.

If you want to meet deadlines, stick to the budget and have fantastic communication with your chosen motion graphics company, you're going to need to take a look at their process when it comes to content creation.

Having a process you can refer back to will put your mind at rest when it comes to what stage your content is at. This process will also clearly show how the motion graphics production company plan on getting the best results for you.

Having a process also shows that the company know what they are talking about - they're not just shooting in the dark when it comes to budgets and deadlines, and they are managing your expectations from the very start. 

Learn more about Venture

Are you looking for a motion graphics agency? Perhaps Venture can help! We are a full-service video production agency specialising in motion graphics and would be eager to learn about your needs and vision. To learn more about us simply click here. You can watch some of our latest work, and request a quote should you wish.



Written by Jess Percival Copywriter for Venture Videos — a full-service video production agency that specialises in producing creative videos & campaigns that get real results.

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