Case study video production

Showcase the true brilliance of your product or service and the difference
it makes to real people with powerful case study videos.

Trusted by brands you know and love


A new kind of video production agency

If you want your business to grow, win new customers, or even change the world, you’re in the right place!

Skeleton is a full-service video production agency for ambitious marketers and brands. We create case study videos showcase the true brilliance of your product or service and the difference it makes to real people.

Our authentic interviewing style will deliver a message your customers will really believe in!

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Agency Manifesto

Learn more abut Skeleton

Why Skeleton?

3 Reasons to choose us


We engage and inspire your audience with clear and simple storytelling and a touch of creative flair.


We make your message go further with custom designed versions of your promotional video for social media and international markets.


Save time & stress with Skeleton’s full service end to end promotional video production process. We do all the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to!


Europa x Westcoast

A partnership that crosses borders

Box x Eurostar

Customer success story feat. Eurostar

Stihl x Arborist

A day in the life of an arborist

PKF x Microsoft

Customer success story feat. Microsoft

Box x Serviceplan

Box's Serviceplan Group Case Study

Load more projects  

An award-winning video production company

Award Logo 1

A Platinum Hermes award for Regional Foster Families

Award Logo 2

A Gold Hermes award for

Award Logo 3

A Platinum Hermes award for Europa Showfreight

Award Logo 4

A Gold Hermes award for BDO

Award Logo 5

A Platinum Hermes award for Ateme

The video production process

Getting started with case study videos

Over the last 18 years we've developed a fully managed end-to-end video production process
that not only delivers amazing results, it also makes us exceptionally easy to work with.

Book a call

It all starts with a chat. As a strategic partner, we'll learn all about you, your business, your product offering, your target customer, your marketing priorities and your immediate video needs.

Creative presentation

We'll present our ideas to your team, taking you on a journey through our creative vision for your project. Here's where you'll see initial concepts for how your video might look, sound and feel.

Meet the team

You'll be assigned a team of specialist video producers and crew that will be dedicated to making your project a success. Our global network includes teams in the UK, Europe and the US.

Project kick-off

Time to get you onboarded! We'll walk you through our production process and the proposed schedule, before outlining the next steps


What is a case study video?

Case study videos are an incredibly powerful way to demonstrate how much value your brand will bring to your prospective customers.

By tapping into real stories from your real customers, you can create compelling content that's the last push your audience needs to convince them to take action.

What are the benefits of case study videos?

Videos are much more attention-grabbing and engaging than text-based case studies. They help people see your product or services in a context which them much more tangible, and help your brand establish credibility and trust through real-world proof.

Video also brings out the authentic emotion in your customers in a way that no other medium can. You can communicate all the logical reasoning of a text-based case study, but with all the sincere human experiences that tap into the emotional pull that transforms your leads into becoming customers.




What makes a great case study video?

Do you know your target audience's biggest problem and how you solve it?

It's time to identify it. Because this is the cornerstone of any successful case study video. It's the thing that will prove to viewers you've solved their issues before for others and convince them that you can help them too.

Whatever that core problem is, it'll also become the core message of your video, because this is the major reason why your target audience buy from you. 

You'll also want to choose the right client for your case study. You should go through all of your customers and narrow them down based on the target audience/buyer persona they belong to, and their ability to give a set of compelling answers on camera.

A good rule of thumb: the more similar your chosen client is to the audience of your video, the better. That way viewers will identify with your client more readily, making them more likely to be swayed by your case study.

All great case studies rest on a compelling story, which needs to be constructed from your client's background, their core problem and their experiences with your product or service. The best structure to follow is the classic 4-part format:

The situation

The problem

The solution

The outcome

But how do you get your client to tell that story in a natural way? Through the right interview questions.

These questions should set your interviewees up so that they reveal the story and message of the case study authentically through their answers. Just make sure they're open-ended, rather than yes/no, to get the most interesting responses.

And don't forget to include a specific Call-to-Action if you want your audience to take action after watching your video (you most likely do).

What should my case study video look like?

Video is a unique medium. It allows you to express your case study through visuals and sound as well as words.

This is a powerful opportunity, and you should take advantage of using colour, editing and music to reinforce the story you're telling and the brands you're representing.

Good case study videos have a good production value, which subtly confirms that you care about your client and their story. The best videos intersperse their interviews with supplementary footage (also known as B-roll) to keep viewers engaged.


Why should I use a production agency for my case study video?

A professional video production agency like Skeleton will have highly experienced motion designers, strategists, producers and marketing experts invested in your video.

From looking at audience insights, strategising, scripting the right questions, storyboarding, casting, filming and making sure your video gets seen by the right people through marketing, an experienced video production agency will give you the full package. 

How much does a case study video cost?

How much you'll spend is dependent on the skills needed, the type of production and the time involved to create it, but the investment for professional case study video production typically starts from $15,000. Request a quote and we can have a chat about what's possible with your budget.

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